Thursday, January 20, 2011

New Semester...

...and let me just tell you that it SUCKS.
high school sucks in general. it really does. rumors, lies, back-stabbing, loneliness, lack of sleep, stress, boredom. you name is. high school is a battle.
try moving to a new school DURING your senior year.
a school you have never set foot in. a school where you have no CLUE who anyone is.
feel more alone being surrounded by 2600 people than you would ever feel being alone by yourself.
cry yourself to sleep, not because you have no friends but at the fact that you know you aren't worth talking to.
guys don't talk to you because you aren't pretty
girls don't talk because they are bitches.

...yeah that's a transition to high school during senior year.

anyways, today was the first day we got new classes. now i moved to this school is October and I'm STILL walking alone in the halls. people bump into me and make ME walk around THEM and say "I'm sorry" yeah. just peachy. my gov. teacher asked what i do for the school and i told her nothing and i swear she could have died right there she was in that much shock. bitch i already hate her.
i did make a few friends but when i saw one in the hall he didn't even say anything...i don't think he even saw even though we just about ran into each other.

sorry i am ranting, but i need to get my thoughts down and i can type faster than i can write.

OH and then! we go to last hour and i learn that this class is hell. English hell. I'm getting my ass outta there before i burn.
i cried when i got home to my step mom. i cant even get the academic honors diploma that Ive worked for because i guess i had to take these tests for it....according to "Indiana state standards" BUT at my old school EVERYTHING WAS FINE all i needed was econ, gov, and 2 Spanish credits. THAT'S IT! so its Bullshit
i hate.hate.hate. this school and i hate everything to do with it. i should of never moved, but i feel like i had no choice. i was tired of living from friends house to friends house and out of my car...


that's about it. i feel better now

uhhh you've found them ALLLLLLL over the web but I'm bored :3

when fasting:
+ WATER is your best friend
+ get plenty of sleep at night
+ do your workout in the morning!
+ keep moving
+ look at thinspiration
+ read a book
+ walk a dog
+ do your homework
+ clean stuff
+ get organized
+ try on all your clothes then color code your closet
+ paint, draw, write
+ take a bath/shower
+ shave your legs
+ wash your face
+ brush your teeth
+ chew gun to replace food
+ when you are craving, wait 15 minutes and breathe
+ look at yourself in the mirror
+ find an ana-buddy. everyone needs someone.

*thin is in
*ugly people only believe in inner beauty
*if you're not thin, you're not pretty
*empty is strong, empty is pure
*pain is weakness leaving the body
*be strong
*i want to dance in between the raindrops
*if i eat something, I'll eat i eat nothing
*take control of your mind
*time spent wasting is NOT wasted time.

Stay strong love.