Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Okay! soo i cannot get a picture to be centered across the top of my blog! i have no clue what im doing wrong, but i am being half-retarded today :P
HELPPPPP i think im missing something ahah...
hopefully someone will help? =D

so i have no school today and no one is home =\ im not sure how i really feel about it.
eating is easiest when alone, but i want some company!!
i have to go to the library because i have a really overdue book =P
dad keeps nagging me <.<

i had breakfast :
  • yogurt - 100
  • 2 crackers - 30
  • half a grapefruit - 40?
which makes that 170! i think.

that brings on another question: how the hell are you suppose to eat a grapefruit? if you eat it like an orange, its too weird. if you eat it with a spoon, all you get is juice! im so confused and frustrated haha.

ill probably post again  later today...just goes to show i have no life! baha. im sorry i was in a bad mood on my earlier posts :P

i bet i have to eat dinner with the fam.
whats your favorite ways to pretend to eat?
:D TALK TO MEEEEE babycakes.

NOW FOR YOUR FAVORITE! [done myyy way!]