Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Monday!

I stayed home from school today__________BAD IDEA.
The kitchen is calling my name and i wish i was deaf so i didn't have to hear it!
i gained a pound over the weekend. you think i would just stick to my safe foods but the real girl inside of me wants out =[ but the other girl pulls me back in and smothers me with lies.
I'm sorry if I'm not making sense
I'm lost
i have a map
but I'm blind...

here is a poem i wrote once...I'm mediocre but at least, i have wasted a little bit of your time.

i don't know what to call it.....any suggestions??

What I see in the mirror
is not me.
What I feel on my skin
is not me.
When I was a real girl
in the real world,
Life did not scare me.
Life did not bore me.
Mirrors were not an enemy.
Food was not an issue.

When I was a real girl,
I was me.
I am trapped in this body...
I will burn, cut, scratch her way back out.
I will fights to be a real girl...
The one inside myself.

Friday, February 25, 2011

WTF am i doing here?

school makes my life miserable.
it helps at losing weight but it also helps with stress and lower your slef-of-steam
lower. i hate it here and i want out. i hate home too though sooooooo what is a girl suppose to do?

everyone sucks and
no one sees me anymore. im not me...juust a shell of my former self.
=] hope you have a wonderful daaaaaaaay

Monday, February 14, 2011


I have not been on Blogger for awhile, but alas...I am here!
I hate when people bump into you and do not even say that they are sorry. I hate people sometimes...I really, honest to blog, do.
I practically binged when I got home from school. =[

Listen Up People.
DO NOTbe so hard on yourself. Changing yourself takes
time, patience, and effort.
 Keep your goals in your head and remember what you want out of life.
With will get where you want to be.
Tomorrow may always be a brighter day. Keep your chin up and
laugh at the little things.
<3 Stay Strong.
I'm here.